Kinesiology allows us to speak directly to your body through muscle testing. This allows us to gain information from your body to understand what is linked to your survival system/ fight or flight response and why you might be spending too much time here in your reactive sympathetic nervous system. Consciously you may be longing to be free from ongoing physical symptoms or pain, anxiety, insomnia, or perhaps it’s greater clarity or connection you’re seeking but your subconscious is saying “no it’s not safe!” Using Kinesiology we can then get feedback from your body to find out what is needed to bring you out of fight or flight and into a place of rest and digest, where the body can restore balance and heal. It is in this place that you sleep better and feel better. You will have more energy, improve clarity and make better decisions in all areas of your life.
We can help your body process undigested emotions and explore why the subconscious is holding onto them. If you are feeling stuck physically, mentally and/or emotionally. Confused about making a decision, which way to turn next, or even paralysed with fear. I am here to help. It doesn't have to be a leap. Just one small, teeny tiny step is all it takes.
Kinesiology is available both in person and online
Common benefits my Kinesiology clients have reported:
Feeling calm
Improved energy
Improved self esteem
Improved ability to move forward in life
Sense of renewal
Improved strategies to help live a more balanced life
Life changing
Addressed deep underlying issues
Improved sense of full potential
Improved health, happiness and balance
Feeling grounded
Release of blocked emotion
Kinesiology initial 90 minutes - $190 (in person and online)
Kinesiology subsequent 90 min - $190 (in person and online)
Kinesiology subsequent 60 min - $170 $155 for return clients (in person and online)