What is the Spring Equinox and what does it symbolise?
On 23 September (which also happens to be my daughter’s birthday!) in the Southern Hemisphere we arrived at the Spring Equinox. This is the time of equal day and equal night, the balance of light and dark. There are only two times per year when this event occurs, when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a "nearly" equal amount of daylight and darkness, unlike a Solstice where the opposite occurs and we have two extremes. And so at this time of Equinox we have an opportunity to invite balance into our lives. We have an opportunity to reflect upon the light and dark in our lives and understand that they are valid in equal measures.
We know that the Equinoxes were of great importance to our ancestors because there are many ancient monuments all over the world that were created and built to align with the sunrise and sunset on these special days in ‘The Wheel of the Year’. Celebrated by many cultures and individuals who do not follow a specific spiritual tradition, The Wheel of the Year celebrates the turning of the seasons.
Until the eighteenth century, this Equinox was considered by many cultures to mark the start of the new astrological year, when people would perform rituals to cleanse out old energy in both themselves and in their homes. Better known as a ‘Spring clean’ today, this doesn’t just have to stop at cleaning out a few cluttered cupboards or drawers.
The Spring Equinox is a wonderful time of energetic opportunity!
Add to this the energy and meaning of Spring, seedlings, new growth, fresh starts, rebirth and new beginnings. We have the prefect conditions for intention setting and manifesting what it is you want in your life. Basically, the Spring Equinox is practically, physically, emotionally and spiritually a wonderful time of energetic opportunity. So get yourself some white sage and have an Equinox smoking ceremony to release the energy of the old and invite in the energy of the new. Cleanse yourself and your home and set you intentions for the season ahead. This could be anything from improved health, more quality time with your loved ones, more self care, a change in career, a creative project or perhaps the realisation of a dream or vision:
What parts of you need a spring clean?
What needs more or less of your attention?
What do you need to dust off or get rid of, both figuratively and literarily?
What are you excited about?
What do you want to draw more of into your life?
What do you want to create and experience?
What in your life needs to be revived, renewed or reborn?
During Spring, everywhere in nature, we see and feel and hear, the energy, the pulse, the sound of new growth. And so we have the opportunity to consciously align with this energy and ‘use’ it to fuel whatever new beginnings we want to create in our lives. Whether your are paying attention to it or not you are part of the Earth, part of the cycle of the seasons, and will be influenced by this energy. If you pay some attention, you may feel it, and if you feel it you can flow with it.
Kinesiology, TCM and The Wood element - what does it mean for you?
In Kinesiology I work with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) model and in this ancient wisdom Spring is housed in the Wood element. The Wood element is symoblised by green growing things, you can think of a tree with strong roots, keeping the tree firmly planted, it has a solid foundation for growth yet it’s branches are flexible to move freely in the wind. The tree knows when it is time to let go. To shed it’s leaves so it can rest in the dormancy of winter, patiently waiting for it’s rebirth in Spring. New leaves, blossoming and even bearing fruit. So let’s question the metaphysical significance of this and what it might mean in your life at this moment of Equinox:
How does the image of green growing things relate to your life and your goals?
Do you have firm roots to sustain your growth?
Do you have enough structure so that you can achieve your purpose?
Can you remain grounded yet allow for flexibility when it’s needed?
Do you know when it’s time to release that which no longer serves you?
Are you able to rest?
The emotion of Wood is Anger. If you feel angry, that’s not necessarily a bad thing…
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the emotion associated with Wood is Anger. Anger is often labelled a negative emotion. In western culture we are conditioned to the think that anger is wrong but anger is part of a cycle and just like the seasons emotions are cyclical. Anger is in fact the start of the healing process. It tells us when enough is enough. It let’s us know when we need to set boundaries. It is a red flag. If you feel angry, you are no longer numb. Anger is not something to avoid or deny for the comfort of others but it is an alarm telling us it’s time to listen to ourselves. It is time for us to question what is no longer serving us. Anger becomes dangerous when we do not listen to it and when we direct it at others and cause harm. We may move into anger to protect old wounds or as a reaction to fear or a perceived threat or attack. If we habitually react in anger, it helps to first recognise those underlying griefs or fears, and take appropriate action.
Are there currently any red ‘anger’ flags in your life?
What is your anger telling you, are you ready to heal?
What does Anger mean in your life? or in relation to your goals or dreams?
What underlying griefs or fears do you need to acknowledge?
Are you angry with yourself or someone else?
Does your anger seem to be directed at the appropriate person or thing?
Do you need to acknowledge your anger in order to grow?
The Liver and Gall Bladder in Kinesiology and TCM
In TCM the Wood element houses the Liver and the Gall bladder, another great reason to embrace an internal Spring Clean. The Gall Bladder is a small organ that works with the Liver to aid digestions, breaking heavy parts like fats down further. The Liver has more known functions than any other organ, it is the largest physical organ and is most active while you sleep. It is associated not just with digestion but also metabolism, nourishment, filtration, detoxification and immune function. Liver function is critical to a healthy body and mind. At this time of year the energy is high in the Liver and Gall Bladder meridians and so it is a great time to offer them a little extra TLC:
How are you handling your multiple responsibilities?
Aer you open to too many things and becoming overwhelmed/toxic?
Do you need to absorb more, literally or figuratively?
What needs detoxification in your life?
What do you need to let go of?
What do you need to bring into your life that will be cleansing, purifying or nourishing?
How can you support your Gall Bladder and Liver?
Drink plenty of water each day - at least 2 - 2.5 litres per day
Move your body for a minimum of 20 minutes each day
Eat more fiber - oats, legumes, fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts
Introduce a glass of warm water and a slice of lemon each morning to aid digestion
Reduce high trans-fatty and processed foods
Consume less refined carbohydrates - pasta, white bread, pastries, breakfast cereals
Reduce sugar intake
Avoid calorie controlled dieting and consume whole foods or speak to a dietician
Reduce Alcohol consumption
I’m here to help…
Working with Kinesiology and Reiki I can assist you in restoring balance to your mind and body. To allow you to come into flow with the current energies of the Earth.
Reiki restores balance to the whole being. Although balance can mean different things in different circumstances, Reiki typically brings rapid stress reduction and relief from pain and anxiety. Reiki takes you out of the overactive fight or flight mode, soothing your nervous system and restoring balance rather than targeting a particular issue or symptom.
Using Kinesiology we can work together using muscle testing to identify what is happening beneath the surface. Using TCM model we can work with the energy pathways of the body to release blocked, stagnant energy and undigested emotions. We can move you away from what you don’t want and toward what you do want, physically, mentally and emotionally. Using Kinesiology we can bring you into alignment with your intentions, removing sub-conscious self limiting beliefs, conditioning and programming.
This time of the year is great opportunity to question yourself, to be introspective and curious about your feelings, it is a time to heal and bring about renewal and rebirth. Just like the caterpillar, you must go through the pain and discomfort of transformation, undergoing a deep experience that leads to a whole new capacity and perception, breaking free from your cocoon, and transforming into a magnificent new version of yourself.
I’m here to help and I’d love to hear from you. Ask me a question and let’s take it from there:
hello@hhwithanna.com or call 0416972230 for a friendly chat!
I work online (with any time zone) and in person and I’m available Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sending much love, light and Reiki blessings to you and yours.
Happy Spring Equinox!
Anna x